In today’s highly competitive global steel market, American steel mill owners and operators are charged with maintaining unprecedented levels of productivity in their operations. Faced with an overwhelming number of highly qualified international competitors, American steel mills have adapted various means and strategies of optimizing their milling process, including relying ever more heavily on automated equipment. Read more...
Whether you’re the owner of deepwater oil rigs embedded in the Gulf of Mexico or off the Saudi Arabian coast, or whether you manage a water treatment plant servicing the needs of a coastal town or city somewhere in the world, it’s likely you’re aware of just how invasive and corrosive seawater can become towards your equipment functioning properly. If you’re a savvy business operator, you doubtless know about the cost-effectiveness of letting seawater cool off the heat exchangers, etc., that are part of your drilling or water treatment operation. Read more...
If you ever want to discover just how corrosive saltwater can get, try this little experiment for yourself: fill up a sand pail with water from the beach, dunk a standard metal dinner-fork in the pail, and then wait overnight. In the morning, you’re more than liable to see a fine coating of rust up and down the fork’s surface. In short, it doesn’t take an advanced degree in chemical engineering to realize that saltwater is a whole lot more corrosive than freshwater. Read more...