Fiberglass Strainers

The Coming Wave of Fresh Water Desalination Plants

It is a technology that has already transformed our world. The oil-rich nations of the Persian Gulf already have giant desalination plants that supply their kingdoms and emirates with vast quantities of drinking-water straight from the ocean. It makes perfect sense that oil-rich desert states are the first major birthplaces for the desalinization industry: for now, the energy consumption that goes into most of today’s desalination plants is simply too costly for most countries to entertain on a large scale. But all that is already changing. As desertification becomes ever more present across the planet, the need for cheaper desalination technology is becoming increasingly apparent. Read more...

The Risks & Rewards of Maintaining a Steel Mill Pickling Line

In today’s highly competitive global steel market, American steel mill owners and operators are charged with maintaining unprecedented levels of productivity in their operations. Faced with an overwhelming number of highly qualified international competitors, American steel mills have adapted various means and strategies of optimizing their milling process, including relying ever more heavily on automated equipment. Read more...

How the FRP Strainer Combats Seawater Corrosion

Whether you’re the owner of deepwater oil rigs embedded in the Gulf of Mexico or off the Saudi Arabian coast, or whether you manage a water treatment plant servicing the needs of a coastal town or city somewhere in the world, it’s likely you’re aware of just how invasive and corrosive seawater can become towards your equipment functioning properly. If you’re a savvy business operator, you doubtless know about the cost-effectiveness of letting seawater cool off the heat exchangers, etc., that are part of your drilling or water treatment operation. Read more...

Strainers Built to Withstand Seawater Corrosion

If you ever want to discover just how corrosive saltwater can get, try this little experiment for yourself: fill up a sand pail with water from the beach, dunk a standard metal dinner-fork in the pail, and then wait overnight. In the morning, you’re more than liable to see a fine coating of rust up and down the fork’s surface. In short, it doesn’t take an advanced degree in chemical engineering to realize that saltwater is a whole lot more corrosive than freshwater. Read more...

We Are Like a Laundry Service for the Coal Industry

However often pundits like to talk about the growth of the solar and wind renewable energy sectors, when it comes right down to it, America is very much still dependent on coal. Statistically speaking, coal accounted for roughly 42% of our nation’s power supply in 2011, with that figure dipping only slightly in the subsequent years. In states with concentrated industrial bases like Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, coal plays an even greater role in terms of keeping the lights on, the turbines running, and the smokestacks piping. Read more...

Changing Public Pool Trends

This year there has been an increase in demand for construction of new homes and renovation of old homes in the U.S. Americans are finally willing to spend after years of economic woes, but should buyers be as eager to invest in luxury items like a pool? Read more...

The Importance of Basket Strainers

Hair and lint strainers used in commercial pools are a very important part of the filtration system of the pool. This simple devise is used to remove large objects, like jewelry, adhesive bandages, hair, lint and almost anything that can come out of a bathing suit pocket or even things that are thrown in the pool. The damaging materials aren’t always from the swimmers; leaves, stems, and rocks often make their way into pools. After a few years of cleaning filter baskets, it’s hard to be surprised at what you find.  Removing these objects from the line will protect the pump and downstream filtration equipment. Read more...

Anatomy of an Aquatic Basket Strainer

Basket strainers for commercial aquatic facilities, including aquariums, municipal pools, and zoos, are important parts of the suction sides of the pool recirculation systems used in those installations. Selecting the right aquatic basket strainer when building a new facility or replacing existing equipment are important choices that should be based in a solid understanding of how aquatic basket strainers work and the options available. To aid in this decision-making process, we’ve outlined the anatomy of a commercial aquatic basket strainer. Read more...